
Delivery & Shipping

We are proud to offer you a FREE shipping in to US. Every day, we deliver to hundreds of customers across the world. We are doing our best to make the product reach you as soon as possible.

The time frame for order delivery is divided into two parts:

  • Processing: Order verification, tailoring, quality check and packaging.

All orders are sent to the warehouse for dispatch within 24 hours after the order is placed. Our manufacturer processes the orders, which takes an additional 1-3 business days.

  • Shipping Time: delivery for destinations such as USA in most cases takes 4-9 Days

Please note that in high season like pre-Christmas period delivery might take longer! We want you to know what is the shipment status at all times! That is why we provide the tracking number for destinations such as USA. Tracking is available for an additional fee calculated at the checkout page! Track your parcel here.